commercial services
HAVEN design+building ASSOCIATES LLC is a Women Business Enterprise, and is WBE certified with State of Florida - Office of Supplier Diversity.
We are a supplier of the following services and materials:
* Project management: 80101600
* Building construction management: 81101513
*Professional procurement services: 80101706
* Carpentry services: 72152300
* Original design and manufacturing services: 73151503
* Interior design or decorating: 72153612
* Computer generated design services: 82141505
* Publicity and Marketing support services: 80171600
* Signage: 55121700 including materials, accessories and components
* Sign sheeting materials: 55121734
* Specialty materials bar and sheets: 30266400
* Raw materials: 14101500
* Lamps and lightbulbs: 39101600
* Interior lighting and accessories: 39111500
* Exterior lighting and accessories: 39111600
* Cabinetry: 30161800